10 Fun Facts about Me

Whiskey in a teacup
3 min readNov 27, 2021

I’m just going, to be honest; I don’t know how to make babies.

Not the little beautiful creatures you hold up in your arms. No. Babies here represent projects — a book, a fellowship club, a film; you know executing those brilliant ideas. Raise your hand if you also struggle with execution and your ideas stay permanent in your head.

For the first time, I want to follow through with one of my babies — a medium blog for personal stories and perspectives. More like honest and goofy ramblings of a twenty-something-year-old lady. This is a random collection of my thoughts and feelings; something worth 5 minutes of your time weekly.

So here I am, introducing myself as a writer to the medium community. To get started, you can learn a little more about me and my interests. There’s more than just a writer and travel fanatic here. Here’s a little bit about a girl called Abby:

1. If you listen closely, you will hear me say “fa” after every sentence, and that’s because I was born and bred in the sticks of Ilorin, Kwara State.

2. Sagittarius is my astrology sign which is fitting for me.

3. My last meal on Earth would be a bowl of white rice with veggies or chicken/goatmeat pepper soup with a big ice cream sundae for dessert.

4. I am allergic to oranges. Weird right?

5. If I could ever pick what time I could live in, I’d pick the 1800s. I think that would be an exciting and fulfilling time to live in. But maybe I’ve just watched old sitcoms and listened to old-school music too much.

6. I have an old soul, and this informs the kind of movies I watch, the music I listen to, the friends I make, the way I think.

7. I am an unabashed fan of friends and big bang theory. I have seen these sitcoms more than 15 times from season 1–10/12.

8. I don’t play any sports nor know anything about them.

9. I don’t grow fat. I don’t age either. #TeamForeverYoung

Honorable mentions

· I hate macaroni as much as I hate snails.

· I always need to have socks on when I am indoors. I need to keep my feet warm

· One day, I’d like to quit my job, sell my properties, pick a bag and camera, and travel the world. I have a knack for adventures and storytelling and it’s a dream I’d love to pursue.

10. I had a drug swallowing defect growing up. My mum would always soak pills inside water for me to swallow because I couldn’t get the drugs down. It’s safe to say I have a narrow throat, I think.

I hope I didn’t scare anyone away just yet. Do I have anything in common with you? Kindly let me know in the comment section. Don’t forget to clap if you enjoyed reading this and tap the follower button to read more interesting content from me.



Whiskey in a teacup

…Honest and goofy life episodes of a twenty-something year old girl. I am full of untold stories. Now I just have to find the right words and make them sing.